The Alliance for Peace in the Middle East brings together diverse people and organizations from the Christian and Jewish communities. Their aim is to 1) initiate an inter religious dialogue to promote coexistence, tolerance and free speech in response to aggression and violence, 2) to be a voice for Israel and the Jewish community in Belgium – as the only hope for stability and equal rights for all in the Middle East and 3) to stand up for the rights and lives of persecuted Christians.
The Belgian Coalition for Israel is a Christian organization that aims better relations between Israel and Belgium. The organisation stands with the Jewish people and brings awareness of the biblical truths about Israel and current world events to the Christian community. The BCI encourages peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs and wants to combat anti-Semitism in all its forms in Belgium, both in the media and in political developments.
B’nai B’rith (Children of the Covenant) is the oldest Jewish service organization in the world. It is committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people and the State of Israel and also works to combat anti-Semitism. Its mission is to unite persons of the Jewish faith and strengthen Jewish identity, provide broad services to the elderly and facilitate advocacy and action on behalf of Jews around the world.
Koinonia is a Christian interdenominational organization with four main objectives: development work, interdenominational unity, bringing the Good News in a contemporary and contextual way and reconciliation through bridge-building. The organization is based in Belgium and is the co-founder of the Shalom Festival and of the Belgian Coalition for Israel.
ORT is one of the world’s oldest and largest NGOs dedicated to education and vocational training, founded in 1880 in Saint Petersburg. World ORT is a leader in the application and education of advanced technology at the high school and college level as well as in specific professional training programs. It has more than 250,000 students, Jewish and non-Jewish, each year who can leverage its programs, training centers and schools in 100 countries around the world.
A-Net is the largest Evangelical-Pentecostal denomination in Belgium and has more than 100 member churches. The organization represents congregations of different languages throughout Belgium and believes that all racial and cultural barriers have been destroyed in Christ and that God is glorified in unity in diversity, rather than in uniformity.
‘Christians for Israel’ wants to create awareness in Belgium, the Netherlands and worldwide about the meaning of the Jewish people in the Bible. It provides reliable information about the land, the people and the state of Israel, stands in solidarity with Israel and rejects any form of anti-Semitism.
‘Chretiens Amis d’Israel’ (Christian Friends of Israel) wants to make the Christian world aware of the responsibility of the Church towards the Jewish people. Its mission is to support and show solidarity with the people of Israel by providing information and practical assistance where necessary.
Joods Actueel is the successor of the Belgian Israelite journal, which was founded in 1954. Joods Actueel provides news, information and background on the most important events in the Jewish field. Much attention is also paid to culture and religion. Lifestyle, book reviews, film, music are of course also discussed. Joods Actueel is the only Dutch-language Jewish magazine in Belgium.
Since 1994, the “FORUM” has been the official representative of the Jewish community of Belgium for the Flemish part of the country. The main objectives of the FORUM relate to, among other things:
- Education and commemoration of the Holocaust;
- Fight against racism, hatred of Jews and against negationism and xenophobia;
- Promote solidarity with the State of Israel;
- Promoting understanding within and outside the Jewish community.
‘Belgian Friends of Israel’ is a non-profit organization that wants to build bridges between the two countries. We are pro-Israel, pro-Palestinian and pro-peace and believe that dialogue, cooperation and goodwill are the keys to a prosperous future for all. Israel is a vibrant Western democracy with equal rights for all regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender or wealth. Unfortunately, there is a lot of biased and misinformation about Israel. BFOI wants to rectify this by organizing conferences and trips to Israel. People can then become acquainted with reality themselves.